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tv   [untitled]    September 26, 2012 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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a second day of dramatic bombing in the syrian capital rebels target a key military complex in damascus after the twin blasts. and syrian violence dominates the u.n. general assembly in new york with more regime change calls from the west intervention promoted by arab states but still no resolution. and greece's general strike gets off to a fiery start with molotov cocktails flying at police as up to a million people take to the streets in
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a resoundingly no to austerity. and spain braces for yet another round of cuts demos we asked the people on the streets for their perspective on what exactly happened last night. a very warm welcome to you from all of us here at the moscow rory sushi a gun battle reportedly erupted inside the army headquarters in syria's capital damascus after the complex was rocked by two very powerful explosions the attacks were carried out by the rebel free syrian army came just a day after another opposition group blew up a military academy in the city in the region with the latest on this. two massive explosions rocked the syrian capital of damascus early on wednesday morning
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they happen to near the mark headquarters of the army and the air force one just minutes apart they also happen not far from one of the main squares of the capital city now they shot at the glass of windows of nearby buildings with some people reporting hearing those explosions several kilometers away in fact some eyewitnesses have gone as far as to say it was the largest explosion in damascus since fighting broke out there several months ago this part of the city is covered now with huge plumes of smoke the ambulances rushed to the scene the police have cordoned off the area to prevent traffic and people from getting closer we were also receiving reports that the ministry of defense is on fire now the syrian information minister has said that the explosions were caused by two roadside bombs one of which he says may have been planted inside the grounds of the army command headquarters he did deny initial reports that there were casualties saying that no
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civilians or army personnel had been hurt in these explosions and this does seem plausible because it happened at around seven o'clock in the morning local time the explosions also occurred not far from the headquarters of syrian state television they are calling them terrorist attacks and they come just one day after rebels blew up a school building in damascus which they say was being used for military training so certainly the situation in the syrian capital extremely tense with a string of attacks now coming almost daily. reporting right there will be in time iran's press t.v. channel says that its correspondent maya nasa has been shot dead by a sniper while reporting on air about today's twin blasts in damascus auntie's socks on a boy because she spent some time in syria covering the conflict and she knew my own personal or. i met my on one of my trips to damascus i was the one who actually reached out to him i wrote to him on twitter
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saying that we should form a collage of the wrong side of his to reporters that i've seen any reference to one of the white house official camas that iran the russia china was on the wrong side of history when it comes to syria now he responded in a very humorous manner as well meyer was a very well known reporter in damascus he was receiving a lot of threats for his reporting both by phone and on his twitter account anyone could see it i relied on his knowledge sometimes on his contacts extensively as did a lot of reporters in that region both. western reporters on one hand you see people dying in great numbers every day and that instils there's a certain sounds of humility you understand that your whole life is worth nothing and that was the thing about maya as well because he was reporting for an iranian station but he was a syrian and he obviously. to a great care about his own country and he was concerned about what was happening
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there and he wanted to bring what he saw as the truth to the rest of the world because he always tried to go and talk to various factions within the syrian society because it was his country. his work on a book or rather i spoke to him just a bit earlier in the program and patrick henningsen geo political analyst with the current affairs website you could call him he believes that the iranian. journalists death was unlikely to be an accident. the propaganda war has now taken ugly turn and i believe that the recent shooting of the press t.v. bureau a correspondent was a targeted assassination because he's working for an iranian state broadcaster so the message is only certain amount of media is allowed to perform in syria and not others it's clear now that the the hell that's been unleashed by the u.s. and their allies and the gulf states has now reached new levels of violence in the
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heart of syria in the capital of damascus so this is this is the result of of eighteen months or two months of two years of progressive planning and trying to get into the country and having foreign fighters all over all over the different regions in syria and now the violence is coming to damascus it's very very sad to see the country descending into this sort of chaos but that's to be expected. the intensified terror attacks in the syrian capital however did not receive much condemnation from the u.n. this during the first day of us journalists new york of the calls for regime change however have only grown louder with the french and u.s. presidents unwavering criticism of bashar assad. one of the states reportedly supplying the syrian rebels with weapons said it's time the arab nations intervened in syria bypassing the united nations is more important i watched the issue was
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covered on the first day of the assembly. every world leader or high figure that took to the podium at the united nations general assembly on tuesday did address the crisis in syria the secretary general ban ki-moon described the war in syria as a regional calamity with global ramifications he urged the international community to act quickly with consensus before he says the crisis spirals out of control now some western leaders took a more aggressive approach with their rhetoric french president francois hollande said that the syrian government of bashar assad has no future among the international community and called on the un to immediately pride protections for the syrian opposition groups that are currently occupying the northern part of the country u.s. president barack obama also released some criticism additional criticism of bashar al assad saying that time has come for his government to go and the u.s.
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president also said that the international community should support the vision that the syrians have for the future of their country now we do know that the u.s. and its western allies have been pushing for regime change in syria have been pushing for sanctions against syria russia is among the countries that believes diplomatic approach taken to the crisis in syria where i dialogue between the government and the opposition house to be created the united nations is still divide. it over how to resolve the problem in syria and i world leaders i won't be the only ones addressing those gathered at the un headquarters in new york julian sun still hiding deep inside the ecuadorian embassy in london despite his status as a political refugee will also make an appearance though a video link here at r.t. that we will bring you exclusively that live on wednesday at ten thirty pm g.m.t. . was.
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i here i i. i i. i know it's only ten minutes past the hour here in moscow this is our to the square by the greek parliament is a scene of chaos protesters and police exchanging molotov cocktails and tear gas grenades agrees itself is at a standstill today with a nationwide strike paralyzing industry transport and businesses up to a million people are taking part in protests with around fifty thousand in the vicinity of the parliament alone the action is a protest against a third round of austerity being debated by the government if passed it would mean a deep slashes to pensions and a raise in the retirement age to that of sixty seven passing the bill or finding
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equal cuts elsewhere as a precondition for greece to receive more bailout money from international credit. well not just greece there was also a riot in madrid last night tens of thousands are surrounding the parliament in provoking a very harsh response from spanish law enforcement more than one hundred people were either arrested or injured in the ensuing skirmishes as police charged the crowds on tuesday agree was was in the middle of it all and reports on how far austerity has pushed the people's patience. tens of thousands of people were out on the streets in numbers but then it turned someone on it was so protesters throwing projectiles at police there's also a constant thought of fireworks being set off in and around the amassed house with them police moved in in force and they pushed back those demonstrators chasing down making forcible arrests we see a large number being detained a large number being injured in the proceedings that followed taken away by
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ambulances now this is being in a racially occupied the parliament and the intention originally will surround the town here in madrid and try and get their message out and see us there see a noble cuts to health care spending in education the salaries and shops watching this huge part of us the full display on both sides we've heard from the chant throughout the course of the weapons our hands now when it comes to austerity well we're hearing reports there's a budget on this issue will be discussed later this week by the correspondence government projecting the budget for next year and we're already hearing that potentially there could be a freeze when it comes to cuts the health cuts to spending on education that could really be seen as a backlash from what we've seen so far three biggest demonstrations that have been golfing spade amateurish in recent months. well after
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a short break we'll be talking to an empty austerity activist who was at last night's madrid protests also coming your way in just a few minutes here on our team a cozy relationship for profit big business scandals in the u.k. where giant companies could be owing their success to some powerful backers inside the government. plus a recent independent report reveals uncomfortable truths about washington's drone strike campaign in pakistan. was. i was in the middle of russia's no way
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from civilization and in a three hour helicopter trip from the nearest village. they still one family have been living here for a long time in tents made of reindeer skins. look . lodging runs in ada signal and minutes they also grew up in the to draw but left it at the age of six and never returned they now live in the city in apartment building but still room and their regions. how was planted here as a dancing teacher. was.
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still his tenses he tells the stories about his motherland. laws in europe to now has a one thousand strong rangy had when the enemy only saw the light can and most around it is gather the tens and move to another pole sure they travel hundreds of kilometers in winter we men and children for them. but the two families have less of a chance to come across each other they belong to different worlds in the new songs a similar. wealthy british style it's a spot on. our. markets
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why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy because a report on our. courageous and creative. elegance . and formed public speaking. a few european bodybuilders against millions which immigrants. may not seem so serious. but this could be a real threat to. european extremists. or it's a four fifteen pm here in moscow this is r.t. and i'm wrong re sushi let's get back to the mood in spain it is far from pretty so are protests are expected after
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a violent turn to last night's demonstrations we're going to talk to victoria some pedro and associate professor and they go to one public university someone who was actually at the protest last night good to see you get out of it unscathed mr some part of the pressure what what what exactly went wrong how did what began as a peaceful rally to revive democracy turned into a running battle a good question what really went wrong was the behavior in the government conducted this situation people began to go as there are. more. people here had lunch in two different to square one was i mean they are kind of but not very close in the media is just the congress the building of the congress people gathered there. is chorus and then they try to get to a common point but the streets around the parliament. you know we're like three d. turn drinks and there were overwhelming persons of the police to talk about ok well
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the presence of police we've been showing the latest pictures images sampedro and certainly it just shows without any question the police having a very heavy handed response to the protesters however that being said it did get violent is it possible that perhaps you might be worried that the protesters cause last night was lost in the violence. well. you can ask which by alliance do you ask for you can't really wonder how is it possible if the government don't treat us right that only six thousand people are gathered in my two u.s. protesters and there were as the government said one thousand three hundred policemen this happened i mean it it's r.h. your rate of five demonstrators for each police and lease so. what happened is that there were constant sort of occasion of police they began to beat
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people up in various small groups at seven pm yes to get the last scenes of daylight and to put fear to yeah to do a scare the people so they wouldn't go there and then thirty day began to. beat on people of course there were some demonstrators. to buy into. but there are also many many. internet in the spanish internet show that some of the violence was provoked by people who gathered by. i mean there are some that are saying that it just took a few rotten apples to spoil the whole bunch that yes there was an outspoken minority that certainly may have fueled the protesters there but what's it going to take so what's it going to take to make the government listen. i don't know i don't
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know because when you are talking about the spanish revolution so-called sponge revolution and it's fifteen self-made movement you're talking dad it got this sympathies of saving out of danger. spurrier's voters in the popularity of these movement is huge he's a very very large. very soon for example we've. got there's sixteen percent of. the american people when we are talking about these four five thousand census movement in full very long time one year not half has been treated as a systemic. who were destroying democracy trying to build a new one and. sound and really warm you to some pressure i do apologize for interrupting here i am deeply sorry running so low on time but ultimately you know these pictures coming out of madrid are not too far fetched and
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we've certainly seen protests in recent months and of course in greece as well today in greece major protests because i'm pedro so is a professor there one carlos university in madrid thank you for coming on our way. well the pain it caused by the global financial heart attack still has the british government groping for a cure of a deep welfare unemployment cuts have been met with anger amid accusations that politicians are protecting big business from the austerity blast radius. of the story. can you get that far without having friends in high places apparently not it's a march that the oil giant has been cozying up to none other than the u.k. business secretary dr vince cable cables been described as the moral center of the coalition government has even pegged by some to succeed nick clegg as leader of the liberal democrats but it's all been called into question over his links to the company behind me he acted as chief economist for the company in the mid one nine
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hundred ninety s. in the leftist sent to the business secretary from the c.e.o. of shell back in march of this year the oil executive thanked the right one rouble m.p. for being the contact minister for shell during cable's time that shell is faced with a number of lawsuits including and i could station propping up a violent ship and a summary execution of nine activists in nigeria but fifteen million dollars later that was settled out of court the company's questionable human rights record hasn't affected easy access to u.k. government officials just last month it was revealed that shell around so-called schmoozer thorns to senior government minister says disguised this training course says but just how close is too close defense minister liam fox found out last year he had to stand down from his job. that is best friend businessman adam verity had
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accompanied him on eighteen different meetings overseas this year culture secretary jeremy hunt was revealed to have just been so friendly with the bosses of news international that he exchanged hundreds of text messages with them while overseeing that bid to take over the largest broadcasting company in the u.k. hunt wasn't sacked but moved on to become head of the health department many observers say it's the u.k. ministers lack of accountability in relation to accusations such as these that concerns them the most. obvious. reporting right there shortly it's katie with the business for now those civilian casualties from the drone strikes campaign in pakistan are being severely downplayed by the u.s. government and independent report from two of america's top law schools says deaths far exceed official estimates now the impact strikes have on local communities the damage to american pakistani relations also virtually ignored by washington that
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also according to the findings john a maker from the brave new foundation hopes the study opens the door for more accurate information. so the government said it's exceedingly rare but civilians have been killed as a result of these drone strikes but they nearly put the number in single digits which is absurd based on those two different organizations that both of these things there has not been the kind. of critical reporting should happen on something of such a magnitude another problem is how the government classifies people in this region any mailable the age of eighteen is considered a militant by the government's own. two faced accusations about who is who is targeted how they are targeted who is a militant what milton actually means to the government. there are too many contradictions for this to be true so. it's definitely worrisome. or that's what i was i want to be in good to see you there were talking about
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certainly the conflict goes on in the east china sea over these disputed islands china and japan going oh well locking horns basically is now affecting business as far as i understand it indeed very much slow chinese people are now refusing to buy japanese goods in protest lorry forcing also giants who voted to react by slashing production in china the world's biggest car market to sells collapse sixty. other top japanese fans have already halted production after security fears china is the country's biggest trading partner which was causing the take a stock market to hit another today let's check out the european stocks because they are indeed sliding by the most in two months the answer is the price as you've been told about wrong way about those are certain measures a really hitting home the i but since spain is actually the worst performer in europe down over three and a half percent a banking giant sr gen of als and his slashes exposure to spanish steps in a move to get rid of the
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a with our says the news comes after the first finals in the general run said the chief executive of the company added he's all my. exposure to spain sovereign debt while also cutting holdings and other trouble peripheral euro stays on in portugal greece and it's nice not jens ball says he's shifting his investment focus to russia clearly it's a much more profitable market with much higher potential so there is a violent protest as we can see is taking its toll on the european cars which is indeed now falling by the most in more than two weeks meanwhile the russian ruble is losing as a basket of cars is it for the most. rising u.s. crude so paul sending seven we close out housing energy stocks in that state now russia is making the biggest push yet to transform its karumba infrastructure spending forty six billion dollars in government bonds the economy minister is boring macalso overhaul of our ways gas bills and bullets as well as build
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a new ring road around the moscow region the bones have been called an exceptional investment for foreign traders. that manages roads with talking about long time high yield guaranteed bombs bought by the state who wasn't want those in your portfolio and that's how the business that after about fifteen minutes or ok thanks so much we'll see you then. are just a moment here and we're going to be discussing the issue of syria with. what he knows about washington's ultimate goals in the ongoing crisis just a cycle. keep
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you. busy. the friendship vision of russia has started again after two hundred years up at the . jets polian has arrived from overseas to lead the army i have to really take my time to prepare myself to get it right. the bloody battle near moscow is going to start over.
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james brown will reveal the victor the soldiers are back to do it all again. but you know version twenty one on our team. with so many burning issues in the world today it's important that we're all as informed as we can be no one man that's more informed than most is william and l. geo political analyst and author of the book myth lice and oil wars and he joins me right now thanks very much for speaking to us thank you syria is of course the main issue at the moment globally just how close are we to seeing
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a foreign military intervention in that country well the west in particular washington has been trying for seventeen now eighteen months almost to blow serious sky high and spread the chaos to iran because iran is the real target of the whole syrian destabilisation i think we're on the cost of the potentiality for a world war three you have the superpower involvement of the united states as the behind the scenes kind of pop master of what's going on from the air to one of them just tumbled in turkey. everyone has been heavily pressured by hillary clinton the state department to massively intervene in syria he's been heavily pressured inside his own cabinet to not intervene because twenty three percent of the turkish population is alawite most of them are the same as it's minority in syria and most turks regard.


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